Venu Naturopathy


Mayank Mishra

Mayank Mishra

About Mayank Mishra

The author is pursuing his PhD in South Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

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Romanticizing overwork: How corporations blur market and social norms in India

The BJP, time and again, has highlighted how PM Narendra Modi works 24X7 and sleeps for four hours, symptomatic of his due diligence pertaining to work. The idea of overworking is often draped as self-sacrifice, a cultural phenomenon typically revered in Indian society. 

Hard work or Harvard: What India needs is more educational autonomy

If autonomy, creativity, freedom to design curriculum, the appointment of faculties, and incentivization of research are used as a sales pitch to lure world-acclaimed institutions, why not set your own house (Indian universities) in order first? Why not harness the potential of Indian universities like the JNU instead of stigmatising them? 

US-China rivalry makes for complex Indo-Pacific power dynamics

India ought to tread cautiously in aligning with the US as a counterweight to China, writes Mayank Mishra for South Asia Monitor

India's hyper-nationalist narratives helped Pakistan Army stay relevant

The warmongering narrative, primarily driven by the ruling party and the media at large, may fetch some electoral gains to the BJP  but it has proved to be welcome fodder for the Army in Pakistan as it tries to reinvent itself to remain relevant, writes Mayank Mishra for South Asia Monitor